Transform Hiring into a Strategic Advantage
On-Demand Talent Acquisition
At A Player Talent, we believe in making hiring a strategic advantage for tech companies. Our mission is to support you to achieve seamless and successful digital transformations through expert talent acquisition.
Ready to Transform Your Hiring?
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Shortlisted for the 2024 Great British Entrepreneur Awards.
Our Story
Founded by Luis Botsio, a leader with a passion for tech transformations and a wealth of experience in talent acquisition. Luis’s journey is a testament to resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of impact. Growing up in multiple places around the world due to his father’s military career, Luis developed adaptability and resilience from a young age.
Playing rugby for over 20 years taught Luis discipline, teamwork, and the importance of hard work and dedication—values he brings to A Player Talent. His professional career, spanning roles in agency recruitment and in-house talent acquisition at organisations like the Ministry of Justice and Nationwide Building Society, has honed his expertise in digital transformation and recruitment.
Are you:

Struggling to scale your hiring quickly when needed

Overpaying for recruitment services or full-time recruiters

Missing out on top talent due to slow hiring processes

Lacking specialised recruitment expertise for critical roles
We have the solution
We offer a single, comprehensive service offering that adapts to your needs, ensuring you always have access to top talent when you need it. Our Fractional Talent Acquisition Services include weekly, monthly, and embedded support options:
Regular support to keep your hiring processes running smoothly.
Strategic insights and planning to align with your hiring goals.
Deep integration with your team for ongoing, hands-on support.
  • AI-Driven Sourcing: Access cutting-edge technology to identify top talent quickly and efficiently.
  • Full Data & Candidate Ownership: Maintain control over your hiring data and candidates.
  • Strategic Hiring Sessions: Benefit from our expertise with custom hiring roadmaps and talent pipeline building.
  • Market Insights & Forecasting: Stay ahead with regular talent market analysis and forecasting.
  • Employer Branding Enhancement: Improve your employer brand to attract top talent.
  • Recruitment Process Optimisation: Regular audits and optimizations to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
See how we can transform your hiring
How It Works?


Seamless Integration
We work alongside your existing team.


Expert Access
Benefit from our skilled recruiters and advanced tools.


Scalable Services
Adjust our support based on your hiring needs.


Cost Effective
Only pay for the support you actually use.
Cut Hiring Costs by 50%
Spend less on hiring, freeing up funds for other critical areas.
Fill Roles Faster
Hire swiftly to seize opportunities.
Improve Hire Quality
Attract top talent, easing future hiring processes.
Boost Productivity
High-quality hires enhance team productivity and innovation.
Enhance Flexibility
Scale your hiring process smoothly as your company grows.
Discover the benefits of working with us

Saved £5M+ hiring 200+ digital and tech pros for the Ministry of Justice

Helped to modernise Nationwide's IT system with a multi-billion pound tech upgrade

Saved £1.4M+ hiring 150+ for Frontiers, scaling from 750 to 3000+ staff
Why Choose A Player Talent?
Shortlisted for the 2024 Great British Entrepreneur Awards
Recognised for our innovative approach and impactful solutions.
  • Over 20 Years of Experience: Scaling teams from startups to enterprises.
  • Specialised Expertise: High-demand fields like Product and Technology.
  • Deep Understanding: Knowledge of the UK job market.
  • Cutting-edge Tools: Leveraging the latest recruitment technologies.
  • Flexible, Results-driven Approach: Tailored solutions that deliver results.
Join our list of successful clients
Our Philosophy
Smart Hiring = Faster Company Growth
Growing a business isn't just about working harder; it's about working smarter.
Ready to Transform Your Hiring?
Connect with us to learn how we can help your company grow and take it to the next level.


Let's Talk Talent | Luis

Let's Talk Talent